What is Rescognito?

Rescognito is a free, open online service that aims to offer a fairer and more democratic platform for recognizing researcher contributions.

What is a "COG"?

A "COG" is a unit of recognition.

What are Award COGs?

Award COGs are the COGs that you have available for you to recognize other researchers. Every researcher with an ORCID iD receives free Award COGs.

What if I've run out of Award COGs?

If you need more COGs, please contact Rescognito.

I want to recognize somebody for a type of activity that is not listed - what do I do?

Rescognito uses the CRediT taxonomy for recognition of individual contributions made to published articles. For general recognition, Rescognito uses an expanded list of terms. If you'd like to see a recognition activity added to the list, please contact us with your suggestion.

How is Rescognito sustainable?

The baseline Rescognito service is free to individual researchers. Rescognito offers fee-paying services to scholarly societies, research funders, publishers and universities who wish to recognize their own researchers and/or encourage specific research behaviours and activities.

What is ORCID®?

Rescognito makes use of information in ORCID for authoritative researcher identification. ORCID is a not-for-profit standards body that provides a 16 digit unique identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. More information at: https://orcid.org.

What is the Rescognito Open Ledger?

The Rescognito Open Ledger is a web page that summarizes all of the recognition received by a particular individual based on their ORCID iD. To see someone's Rescognito Open Ledger, you can use the Rescognito interface to search by name; or simply append their ORCID iD to the Rescognito URL, for example: https://rescognito.com/0000-0002-9217-0407.

Is there an API?

Yes, Rescognito offers a REST API that enables third party software applications to read and deposit recognition data in JSON format. This means your application can display or award recognition in your own system without your users having to visit the Rescognito site. Here's an example of how you can "read" recognition sin JSON format: https://api.rescognito.com/1.0.0/getOrcidCOGs/0000-0002-9217-0407 . Please contact Rescognito for more details.

Why aren't my publications displayed on my Rescognito Open Ledger?

Only publications listed in your ORCID record (including self-claimed publications) are displayed on your Rescognito Open Ledger (see an example: https://rescognito.com/0000-0003-0984-7665 ). So, if you want your publications to be available for recognition in Rescognito, please update your ORCID record to list your publications (and include DOIs whenever possible).

How do I add a publication to my ORCID record so that it is displayed on the Rescognito Open Ledger?

Log-in to your ORCID account, scroll down to the "Works" section of your ORCID record. Select "Add Works" and follow the steps to add a Work. Once your work has been added, it will be automatically displayed on your Rescognito page (if possible, always include its DOI).

The story behind Rescognito

Rescognito was founded by Richard Wynne and his team. Based in Boston, MA, USA, Richard Wynne has spent more than 30 years working with scholarly publication workflows. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardwynne/ Rescognito: https://rescognito.com/0000-0002-9217-0407. Rescognito will be guided and supported by an Advisory Board.

What are Rescognito Checklists?

Rescognito Checklists are used to capture useful and verifiable information about research outputs (such as manuscripts, datasets, protocols and software), provided that the object has a Crossref or DataCite DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and associated ORCID iDs. Here’s an example Checklist:

Data Availability Checklist - https://rescognito.com/dac/10.1101/2020.01.19.911891

See video explainer regarding Data Availability Checklists.

What Standard Rescognito Checklists are available?

New Checklists are being added to Rescognito all the time. Here are some examples of available checklists:

dac – Data Availability Checklist
ccc – Contributor CRediT Checklist
fic – Funder Information Checklist

How are Rescognito Checklists accessed?

Rescognito Checklists are accessed in the Rescognito user interface or by using a standardized URL structure:


So, for this DOI 10.1101/2020.01.19.911891 – the Rescognito Checklists can be accessed in this way:

Data Availability Checklist - https://rescognito.com/dac/10.1101/2020.01.19.911891
Contributor CRediT Checklist - https://rescognito.com/ccc/10.1101/2020.01.19.911891
Funder Information Checklist - https://rescognito.com/fic/10.1101/2020.01.19.911891

This means it’s easy to integrate Rescognito Checklists with your own web site.

How can completed Rescognito Checklists be viewed?

Completed Checklists can be viewed from the contributors’ Open Ledgers (based on ORCID iD) or with a direct link using the research object DOI. For example:

To ensure persistence, Rescognito registers a citable DOI with Crossref for completed Checklists. For example:

Can my organization add Checklists to Rescognito?

Yes, please contact us to add your own Checklists.

Can I create my own DOI-Linked Checklist?

Yes. Go to https://rescognito.com/createchecklist 

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